We live in a polarized world—there is no shortage of contentions, oppositions, conflicts, and confusions between polarities in our contemporary times. However, we deeply believe in the harmony of counterparts; we believe that opposites are, in fact, meant to be together and to harmonize—and that, if we can locate and achieve this balance, we will all be better off as a result.

We, as an organization, want to actively search for the balance and synergy between polarities—between the human and the natural, the city and the wilderness, mind and body, etc. That is why we call ourselves ‘Full Circle’—we are searching for the ‘whole’ picture, the bigger picture, the completion and fullness within which opposites are harmonized. We believe that opposites are in fact gifts that, when brought together with balance and precision, can make us all better. And we are dedicated to searching for that balance on every level.

We believe that balance and symbiosis is something that is not only needful in our present age, but that it is also conducive to the overall health and wellbeing of our city—the City of Santa Fe—as well as our greater society and the broader world. We see, for instance, conflicts between urban and wilderness spaces everywhere; we see stark divides between various social groups, as well as great international tensions, etc. We live in a world that is permeated by tensions on many fronts, and we want to step forward in an effort to ease these things. And we believe that we can.

We believe that these polarities can be harmonized, and we believe that we will all be better off if we can begin to search for, and, hopefully, strike that balance—and we believe that Santa Fe, as a city, can genuinely stand at the vanguard of this movement toward the attainment of such a symbiosis and synergy.

One way that we believe that this harmony can be reached, which is particularly significant to the ethos of Santa Fe, is through the cultivation of ‘ecological consciousness’. We believe that the current prevailing wave of commercial interests which is sweeping over our city, our nation and the world at-large is something that must be tempered by another sort of power—another sort of force. This power includes the cultivation and curation of a non-commercial, non profit-making, non financially-driven ecological mindset. We believe that there are large ‘pockets’ of life that are simply ‘good for their own sake’—and not simply for the sake of some sort of gain which is external to the things themselves. And we believe that the natural environment is one of these ‘pockets’ of life.

We believe that by cultivating a careful attention to the natural environment, we can temper and balance the forces that, left unchecked, lead to the enervation of natural spaces, such as those of an overweening commercialism. We believe, also, that such commercial forces would, in the absence of something to balance them, undercut the very foundations of what makes Santa Fe singular, unique and different in our greater society.

And we believe, moreover, that there is no place better suited to bringing forward this ‘other’ side of things than the City of Santa Fe. We believe that this ethos is already nascent, central, and essential to the ‘city different’. It is our understanding that this ethos travels way back in the culture of this city; and we want to bring this ethos even further into the foreground of our community at the present time. We believe that this project could serve to bring together the disparate ‘groups’ of the city itself—and it could serve as a source of healing and integration not only for the individuals of this city, but for the city as a whole.

We believe, lastly, that the Santa Fe River could be a hub and axis of this message and of the exploration into the question of what it means to search for balance between nature and culture. We ask for the city’s support during the initial stages of our organization, in pursuit of this mission, as we begin to bring forward this message. We can make this vision a reality. Please consider joining us in this effort.